Client: Albanian Ministry of European Integration
The mission of the Ministry of European Integration is to ensure technical guidance and coordination of Albania’s EU integration process through formulation of integration policies, harmonization of the national legislation with the EU acquis, implementation of the SAA, implementation of the EU recommendations concerning the accession criteria, coordination of EU financial assistance and public information on this process.
The EU membership criteria, as defined by the European Council in 1993, include several legislative criteria which require inter alia the translation of the acquis communautaire in order to ensure the approximation of the domestic legislation with the EU legislation. As part of this process, the Ministry of European Integration in Albania entrusted Albaglobal with the translation of the EU acquis, requiring an accurate and flawless translation of the legal terminology.
With the engagement of 1 Project Manager, 12 translators, 4 proofreaders, 3 industry specialists, 1 graphic designer, and an in-country validator, Albaglobal has translated roughly 20,354 pages of the acquis communautaire from 2015 to 2017. Given the complexity of this project and the necessity to properly adapt the legal terms in Albanian, a task which requires an understanding of both the legal context in which the term is used and the legal context in which the translation is intended, Albaglobal engaged a team of translators with a thorough understanding of the EU and Albanian legislation. The implementation of this project also required the provision of professional desktop publishing services including writing, editing, document formatting, and graphic design.