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Client: Strabag AG

STRABAG is one of the leading companies for planning, construction and operation of Water- and Waste Water Treatment Plants. STRABAG Water Technologies, a Business Unit of STRABAG AG, focusses on the construction of Waste Water and Drinking water Treatment Plant, simple solid waste treatment plants including related landfill construction and closure in CEE/SEE and in selected countries outside of Europe.


As a result of a multifaceted cooperation between the German Government and the European Commission through the German Development Bank (KfW), the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, the Municipality of Prishtina, and the Regional Water Company “Prishtina” –, and with the purpose of providing a solution to one of the main chronic problems in the capital of Kosovo, namely the regular supply of drinking water, the German company STRABAG AG undertook the construction of a Water Treatment Plant in Prishtina. In the framework of this project, Albaglobal was contracted for the translation of all technical documents such as manuals, user guides, materials on civil engineering, etc.


Throughout 2016, we translated nearly 400,000 words for the Prishtina Water Treatment Plant project. Our additional tasks included the provision of Desktop Publishing Services for the presentation of documents in PDF & Word docs. The biggest challenge faced throughout this project was the complex technical terminology, which required the engagement of highly experienced translators with thorough understanding of the technical field.

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